Kyle Graham

  • A.A. Lakeland Community College

  • B.S. Organizational Leadership &Management, Regent University—May, 2007

  • Experience in restaurant management, sales, nonprofit marketing, and fundraising

  •  Professional interests include personal coaching, organizational development, personal leadership, and faith in the workplace

  • Personal interests include reading, writing, debate and dialogue, strategy games, and volunteering




Vision of the Future


I see myself as a humble servant of the Lord, having been profoundly transformed by Jesus Christ as my personal savior. Operating from a kenotic view of relationships, God has used me to affect many people, not only introducing them to the Lord, but also assisting them to cultivate a deep relationship with him.
I see myself as a dedicated husband, father, and grandfather to many. Having established our family vision at the beginning of our life together, my wife and I have enjoyed a great journey as parents, our children have grown into upstanding adults, and we are blessed with a close-knit family that understands and upholds our values.
I see myself as the founder of an organization dedicated to the proliferation of Christian values as the most effective force for driving change and transformation within organizations. Operating as a mentor of consultants, my unique combination of skills and love for biblically-based leadership concepts allows God to work through me to create change agents that are adept and dedicated to changing the world via Christian values.
I see myself as person of good health. I have enough energy to meet daily demands by exercising daily, eating nutritious foods at every meal, and limiting foods with low nutritional value. While I have a gym membership and some exercise equipment, I enjoy physical activities such as jogging, sailing, golf, tennis, hiking, and camping.
I see myself as a good financial steward. I tithe in tenths or more weekly, and give to many other not-for-profit organizations with worthy missions. My family and I live comfortably, but not to excess. I always pray about financial decisions and give graciously to family and friends in need.


Vision Statement



To be a living testimony of God’s glory
by visibly aligning my behavior with the word of God,
through my roles of Christian, husband, son, sibling,
lifelong learner, and leader

My purpose in life is to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, son of God. Though I will never accomplish this, each step I toward this vision will glorify God. I will strive to embody the kenotic essence of Christ in terms of love, compassion, forgiveness, humility, and service within contemporary personal and organizational contexts.


Mission Statement



To consciously decide to live my life to the fullest potential under the
guidance, strength and wisdom of God, through and within the roles of
Christian, husband, son, sibling, lifelong learner, and leader


My mission was prayerfully developed and aligned with my interpretation of God’s will for my life. Like my vision, my mission is broad in nature, yet specific in focus. Its focus is upon how I can progress in my vision through and within the various roles I play. Underpinning the importance of this idea is the sense of priorities—the Master, Mate, and Mission methodology.



Master, Mate, and Mission Methodology  

“Master, Mate, Mission,” is the biblical methodology to maintain and provide focus toward my priorities. My first priority is God; it is God’s commandment that no other comes before Him, and every decision and every action should begin and end with God. My second priority is my mate; the bond of matrimony forges the closest human relationship possible, and God directs us to love our mates as Christ loves the church. My third priority is my mission—living a full life within my roles under God’s direction. In each of the three priorities I make decisions. Master first, mate second, and mission third—is biblical, practical, and effective way to guide my decision making and resulting behavior.






Handling all transactions honestly, modeling the way, and aligning behavior with espoused values.



Keeping my mind and heart open to the influence of God, respected others, and the lessons learned from experience.



The lifelong process of seeking greater understanding through influence and experiences.



Wisdom is accurately discerning biblical truths and their appropriate use within decision making and action.


Personal Leadership   

The desire, forethought, and willingness to do what is necessary to live out God’s will in terms of value-based behavior within various contexts



In any context, service to others for the purpose of glorifying God is the function and culmination of the other core values.








  To develop my understanding of the biblical principals of truth, justice, and love in the context of a deep and personal relationship with God
  • Visible behaviors that reflect daily communion with and reliance upon Jesus

  • Clear understanding of how Scriptural truths apply to individuals within a contemporary society and how my actions affect those around me in personal, familial, organizational, and societal contexts including spiritual transformation, interpersonal interactions, planning, and decision making

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